Nathan Kittrell

    Nathan Kittrell
    Nathan Kittrell has been involved in sales and marketing since graduating college. Selling anything from city-wide conventions to payroll for a three-employee company, Nathan strives to ensure all customers are treated with respect while partnering with them to meet their business needs. He enjoys volunteering his time as a board member of Greenville County Youth Orchestras and working with other organizations such as Youth Leadership Greenville. You can read more of Nathan's writing on his blog, Business-Minded Millennials:

    Recent Posts

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964: What Employers Need to Know

    Posted by HR Division of Propel HR on 7/17/24 2:30 PM

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a pivotal law that empowered minorities and dismantled ...

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    Your HR Checklist For Q3

    Posted by HR Division of Propel HR on 6/12/24 3:15 PM

    Stay up to date with new laws, deadlines and important changes related to payroll, ...

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    PEOs are in the Business of Small Business

    Posted by HR Division of Propel HR on 5/22/24 2:45 PM

    PEOs play a vital role in helping small businesses across the country thrive and survive. 

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    How Well Do You Know Propel?

    Posted by Nathan Kittrell on 11/7/17 10:10 AM

    At Propel HR we trace our roots back over 20 years, when we began as a PEO (Professional ...

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    Topics: Featured, PEO

    Shopping Payroll and HR Providers: 5 Ways to Save Time and Money

    Posted by Nathan Kittrell on 10/6/17 8:45 AM

    As the end of the year gets closer, businesses get busier and busier preparing financials ...

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    Topics: Featured, Small Business

    Every Employee is a Sales Person

    Posted by Nathan Kittrell on 9/21/17 10:33 AM

    The only way for a company to stay in business is to bring in revenue. No revenue means ...

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    Topics: Small Business

    No Amount of Success at Work Makes Up for Failure at Home

    Posted by Nathan Kittrell on 1/31/17 8:00 AM

    One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever gotten, and I make a point to think about ...

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    Topics: Leadership

    Is Technology Really That Important to My Business’s Success?

    Posted by Nathan Kittrell on 1/12/17 8:00 AM

    “Is technology really that important to my business’s success?”

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    Topics: Featured

    3 Ways to Enhance Your Employee Experience

    Posted by Nathan Kittrell on 1/5/17 9:30 AM

    As the health of the US economy continues to improve, many companies struggle to compete ...

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    Topics: Featured, Small Business, Employee Management

    5 Tips to Attract and Retain Top Millennial Talent

    Posted by Nathan Kittrell on 12/1/16 8:00 AM

    Every week new studies come out about millennials in the workplace, and with every ...

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    Topics: Employee Management

    Six Ways HRIS Technology Can Help Your Growing Business

    Posted by Nathan Kittrell on 11/1/16 8:00 AM

    Congratulations! You had a record year and growth is exploding! 

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    Topics: Human Resources, Employee Management

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