At PropelHR, we believe in moving business forward. During this time of year, we spend time taking three looks. We look back at the past, we look at the present, and we look forward to the future.
As we spent time looking back on 2016 we thought it would be good to share 3 of the most relevant articles from our archives that will set your business up for success in 2017.
It's our hope that these articles provide great value for you and your business so that you can grow and thrive in the New Year.
The “Human” in Human Resources, by Lee Yarborough
On October 8th, the world lost an amazing human resources professional, and Propel HR lost a dear friend and teammate.
Linda Hundrieser served as Propel HR’s Director of Human Resources for 9 years. She was the best at knowing how to balance employee and company interest. She had a gift for making you feel good and for reading a situation. As a professional, Linda truly put the HUMAN in human resources. Read More>>
Six Ways HRIS Technology Can Help Your Growing Business, by Nathan Kittrell
Congratulations! You had a record year and growth is exploding!
A period of growth is an exciting time for a company, but unfortunately, it can also come with unwelcome headaches. Growing your business usually involves hiring new talent, and there are many steps during the recruiting and on-boarding processes that an HR Manager must go through. Read More>>
Hiring The Right Talent, by Jada Jacobs
What separates a “star” employee from just another “warm body” in your company? This seems to be the million-dollar question many managers have as they begin the dreaded task of hiring new employees. Contrary to the seemingly unavoidable uncertainty with new hires, some solid hiring routines can make the task adding to your current staff less daunting. Read More>>
We believe these article will have a meaningful impact on your business in the New Year and help move your business forward.
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